Could not open lock file var lib DPKG lock frontend open 13 Permission denied Linux?

Could not open lock file var lib DPKG lock frontend open 13 Permission denied Linux?

How do you fix e could not open lock file var lib DPKG lock frontend open 13 Permission denied E unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/ var lib DPKG lock frontend are you root?

Method 2: Delete the /var/lib/dpkg/lock file. Try using sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock to imagine if there are other open processes running. Just right click on the process in question if you have the appropriate permissions. Also try removing killall or commands from the command set.

Could not open lock file var lib dpkg lock frontend open 13 Permission denied E unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/ var lib dpkg lock frontend are Y?

Why the /var/lib/dpkg/lock Error Occurs This error usually occurs when a system update process is running and you are trying to access the system for a new operation. … You should also expect an arbitrary process from the past to be constantly running and occupying “/var/lib/dpkg”.

Could not open lock file var lib DPKG lock frontend open 13 Permission denied E unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/ var lib DPKG lock frontend are you root?

Fixed the error “Failed to lock the administrative directory (/var/lib/dpkg/)”. You are noticing this because other software is trying to update Ubuntu. When a team or application updates the system or installs other software, it blocks the dpkg (Debian package manager) ad.

Could not open lock file var lib dpkg lock open 13 Permission denied E unable to lock the administration directory (/ var lib dpkg /) are you root?

5 answers. First check if a specific dpkg process is running, ps afx|grep dpkg . In this case, terminate the program with sudo killall dpkg. This should be enough.

Could not open lock file var lib DPKG lock frontend open 13 Permission denied Linux?

If you .have .everything .open .(13: .permission .denied) ., .you .should .be .almost certain .that you .will not .be .root .. Don’t forget to close before using apt -get . Otherwise, the update program will be blocked. The lock exists to protect your archive’s configuration files.

Could not open lock file var lib dpkg lock frontend open 13 Permission denied Linux?

If you have almost all of them open (13: Permission denied), then it’s probably, almost certainly not, and you need to use sudo. Remember to close the Software Center before using apt-get. Otherwise, the update program will be blocked. A lock is used to protect your collection’s file configuration.