What is the Msdtc exe process?

What is the Msdtc exe process?

In most cases, msdtc.exe runtime errors occurring while the program is running will result in the program terminating abnormally. Most of these msdtc.exe error messages mean that Windows was either unable to locate this file on startup, or the file is corrupt, resulting in a prematurely-aborted startup process.

What is the Msdtc EXE process?

msdtc.exe belongs to the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator. MSDTC is available on all Windows platforms and can be installed by applications that must use it, such as Microsoft Personal Web Server or Microsoft SQL Server.

What is the Msdtc exe process?

msdtc.exe is an executable file that belongs to the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service Precise Procedure bundled with the MS DTC Console software developed by Microsoft Windows operating system technology developer.

How do I fix Msdtc error?

Solution for “MSDTC encountered an error” warning.

  1. Enable DTC network access.
  2. Enable firewall exception for DTC ms.
  3. Exclude MSDTC in antivirus user settings.
  4. Enable rule for PPTP.

What is the error code for MSDTC-BizTalk Server?

“Error code: 0x8004d025, Partner transaction manager does not support remote/network transactions.” “Error code: 0xc0002a24, DTC transaction could not be transferred. Carefully check which MSDTC is properly configured for networking.” [0x1705] There were problems creating an internal work item. Make sure sql server is running.”

How can I resolve an MSDTC configuration error?

To resolve MSDTC configuration errors, follow these steps: Successful MSDTC transactions between computer systems require that the client computer be able to resolve the server computer’s official NetBIOS name to this correct IP address, and the web server computer can often resolve the computer’s NetBIOS client name to the correct IP address.

How do I fix MSDTC error?

How to fix msdtc error warning

  1. Enable DTC network access.
  2. Enable firewall exception for DTC ms.
  3. Exclude MSDTC in antivirus settings.
  4. Action Enable trading for PPTP.