How do you fix this app can’t be activated by the built in administrator?

How do you fix this app can’t be activated by the built in administrator?

Event ID 5973 Activation of app Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI failed with error: The app didn’t start. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.

What happens when I get event 5973 on my computer?

A common consequence of the Event 5973 error is that one or more applications fail to start. Application windows may open briefly and then close. In the worst case, Windows won’t open Store Plans. This issue 5973 can definitely be caused by a cache of malicious user apps.

Is there event 5973 for Cortana in Windows 10?

Cortana is one of the unique apps in Windows 10 that integrates with the operating system. As such, this tool is not exactly a standard Windows Store app; and some users had event 5973 for the Cortana error. So it’s possible that Cortana still works for regular requests, but usually redirects them to Bing.

What is event id 5973?

Description: AppID application activation failed with this error: The application does not support the specified contract or is simply not installed. See the microsoft-windows-twinui/operational log for more information.

Is there an event 5973 error in Windows 10?

Event 5973 errors are fairly generic crashes and applications. However, in court, it is usually blamed for applications not being launched; and there are never errors in the Verdict 5973 dialogs that contain possible fixes or more details about what happened.

How to check for error ID 5973 in Windows 10?

1 Always click Log Window on the left side of the Event Viewer. 2 Select Application for Application Confidential Events. three or red exclamation marks indicate conference error 5973. Click any event with error ID 5973 to view more details.

Why do I get error 5973 on Cortana?

As such, it is not a standard Windows Store app. In addition, some users sometimes experienced error 5973 for Cortana. Cortana then still handles simple requests, but mostly redirects them to Bing. Some Windows users were also experiencing script error 5973 for the Mail for iPhone app when using regular (non-admin) user accounts.

How do you fix this app can’t be activated by the built in administrator?

Go to Windows Settings > Security > Settings > Local Security Policy > Settings. Find and even open a user account. Control: Admin approval mode for the built-in administrator account. On the Local Security tab, select Enable. Click Apply and OK to save changes.